About the Book

This is not about you…

It’s about me. This book is for me. Why? Because I need help. I need to move forward in life. I feel pretty happy where I am right now, what I have achieved so far, but I also feel I have so much more to give. So much more I want to do. So many ideas I want to realise and projects I need to both start and finish. I want to get going. Give it to the world.

I have I spent far too long thinking about starting different projects. Thinking, not doing. Words, but no action. So many things I want to do. 

This is my Manifesto to Myself. So, if you ever feel offended by this book, remember it is not meant for you personally. It is meant for me, for people who are procrastinating. People who think for too long.  People who want the right time to start. Who simply don’t get the stuff whey want done. Who don’t do what they really want to do. Who don’t live to their full potential. People who want to change something in their life. And people who don’t follow their dreams. In short, it is for people who are not entirely satisfied with where they are or how they are, people who talk and dream too much but do and truly live too little. People who need a kick in the ass! Throughout this book, I will write like I am talking to “you”, but it is really myself I am talking to. 

Or, actually, is that you too? I mean you you.

This book is about how to actually do what you dream of. It is about creating change, whether it is to stop smoking, losing weight, learning a language or living a more fulfilled life.

Would you need a book like that? You can get it here.